How I redefined my destiny.

THIS 6-Figure coaching business, the podcast, and the success began the day I said, "I can't go to college."

I grew up in a tiny town in Mexico in a hardworking, entrepreneurial, and very traditional family that never got the chance to attend college. 

My parents never asked me who I would like to be when I grew up; it was a given instead. I would graduate high school, get married, have kids, and work in the family business. 

But finally, at 18 years old and about to graduate high school, the big question popped out "Are you going to college?" - to which my immediate response was, "No, I've always been told I'm not going to college, so I've never thought about it." 

However, in that split second after I responded, a thought crossed my mind: Why NOT? - and I couldn't answer it. 

I couldn't find a logical reason why I couldn't or shouldn't go to college, and the question "Why not" completely re-programmed 18 years of limiting beliefs. 

If you’re in this space, right now, wanting to grow a 6-Figure business, the first thing I want you to ask yourself is…

“Why not you?”

Freedom is my most important core value.

After graduating from college with three business degrees and a Master's in Business Administration with a specialization in Finance (yes, what a turnaround, right?), I landed my corporate dream job: consulting small and big local and international businesses to grow, sell, and expand. 

However, even though it was my dream job, there was a missing piece, FREEDOM.

I wasn't born to be limited, FREEDOM is my most important core value, and I wanted to have time and financial freedom to do whatever I want. 

I grew up seeing how much my dad worked to create his freedom: freedom to work on his schedule, to make money even when he was hanging out with his kids,  to take the day off when he wanted, and financial freedom to buy, outsource, hire, donate, and support anyone he wished, without worrying about it. 

So I had to choose: do I stay in my comfort zone and get a steady paycheck, or do I risk it all to get whatever I want? 

And as I said, I wasn't born to be limited, and I knew inside my heart that if I were to work an 8-9 for the rest of my life, I wouldn’t live my best life! 

And I am so glad I quit!

Great CEOs marry cashflow and aligned actions, not strategies.

There are three things I’ve learned in business: 

1. Cashflow is key

Cashflow is the key: once I started my own business, and being the business consultant I was, I created a detailed operational marketing plan - only to realize, the hard way, cashflow is where growth is. You don’t need big complex operations to plan until clients and cash flow are rolling in. Clients make the cash flow, and cash flow creates growth. So to grow to 6 Figures, your first goal is steady clients.

2. Great CEOs learn new ways

Bad CEOs stick to their ways and get their potential business stuck. But GREAT CEOs learn new ways, implement strategies with higher RETUNG ON INVESTMENT, and focus on making cash flow with an aligned action (doing what feels good and makes them the most money they can make).

3. Always evolve

Great CEOs don’t marry their strategy. Your business will evolve, the market will change, your ideal client will want new things, and if you continue growing, you will need to adapt to these changes.

And this is exactly what I continue to focus on:

learning new ways and teaching my clients strategies that align with their personalities and profit the highest return on investment possible.

Money is positive energy with an unlimited ripple effect.

And to create a successful business that makes you all the money you want, you need to choose an aligned strategy with a high ROI, sell with the right energy of service, and believe this dream is your reality! 


Are you ready to build a 6-Figure business this year with an aligned strategy and 900% ROI?

Of course, you're ready! Otherwise, you wouldn't be here right now. 

You already have everything you need, and that 6-Figure business will give you the means to have all you want in the palm of your hand. 

All you have to do is decide it's already yours, go all in even if fear knocks on your brain, and choose a strategy aligned with your personality and giving you the highest ROI you can get! 

But friend, if you dream with time and financial freedom - then it's already yours!

Let's do it.

A little bit more about me: 

  • I'm an ally for inclusivity, diversity, and equality issues.

  • I’m a type-A planner and leader, but my gut and intuition always play a role in my decisions. 

  • I work on my money mindset 24/7 

  • I manifested my twins as fearless, empowered, and independent as I visualized them. 

  • After my business, my biggest hobby is riding and caring for horses. 

  • I’m a course junky, courses take my money… btw, what do you teach?!

The Be Bold Be Ambitious Podcast is a must-listen for bold & ambitious coaches looking to enroll consistent clients, make $10K months and scale into 6 Figure business this year.

Get your favourite hot drink and join me for high ROI strategies to attract ready-to-buy clients, take aligned action, and make more money than you’ve ever seen!

Get the most out of your listening time! Start listening to any of this collections to get what you need right this moment.

Do you need specific resources right now?


You have everything you need inside of you to create a 6 Figure business.

Closing Sales

Learn how to close more sales and grow to 6 Figures in 6-12 months.

Attracting Leads

Discover how to attract leads who are ready to buy from you.

Welcome to my little corner of the internet!

I’m Adriana Castillo, MBA.

I am a marketing strategist and founder of the Profitable Ads Club.

I teach coaches and sales representatives how to close more clients without wasting their time or sending cold DMs.

I’ve helped coaches and sales representatives go from not having leads to closing $5K, $40K, or even $100K in one month - with the help of a great paid advertisement strategy and an effective sales process.

And I know that if they made it happen, you can do it too!